Lunch Program
A nutritious lunch is served at the Westerly Senior Center at noon Monday through Friday. The program is open to those age 60 and older (or to those under 60 if handicapped, disabled, or married to a participant over 60). A suggested donation of $3.00 per meal is requested.

Click here for this month's menu!

Farmer at lunchEach meal includes milk/juice, soup/salad, main entree, vegetable, bread, and dessert. An alternate sandwich is offered each day that can be substituted for the main entree. Meals are provided through Westbay Community Action, which prepares meals that are planned by a registered dietitian and meet one-third of an elder's nutritional needs for a day. Volunteers are utilized to help set up, to serve the meal and beverages, and to clean up.

Reservations for meals are requested a week in advance although you may call any day to see if spaces are available. Transportation may be arranged at the time of reservation. A sign-up sheet is posted outside the Meal site office, or you may call the Meal site office at (401) 596 - 7216.